
Refresh Yourself -- Not
Your Email
By Ali Branham, BYU Campus Ambassador
Completely unplugging from work after hours has significant personal benefits. When you are free from the weight of answering emails and messages, you will be able to truly decompress from the stress of the workday.

IRS Intensifies Efforts to Combat ERC Scams ... Consider Getting a "Second Opinion"
By Rick Meyer, CPA, MBA, MST
On September 14, 2023, the IRS issued IR-2023-169 with a moratorium on processing new ERC claims through at least the end of the year. But, don't get freaked out! ERC qualifications have not changed and you can still file.

Whats On Your Tech Radar?
By Thomas G. Stephens, Jr., CPA, CITP, CGMA
Technology’s never-ending march to “faster, cheaper, and smaller” shows no signs of slowing. As a result, today’s successful organizations must embrace a technology plan that offers premium performance, supreme security, and amazing adaptability – all on a tight budget. How can we accomplish this task while operating within the confines of tightening budgets?

Preparing for an Interview
By Spencer Rawle, USU Campus Ambassador
As accounting students, we are constantly applying and interviewing for internship opportunities. Right now, the accounting workforce is in high demand. For most accounting students, having three or more interviews is not uncommon during the recruiting season.