UACPA Member Running for State Auditor
Ricky Hatch, CPA has been the county clerk and auditor for Weber County since 2010. Hatch won Utah’s County Auditor of the Year in 2013 and 2017 and County Clerk of the Year in 2015 and 2022 He has worked as an information systems auditor and consultant, an educator and a business analyst in Los Angeles, Germany, Boston and Utah.
Learn more about Ricky

The Utah CPA PAC is a political action committee focused on political matters that impact the business community and the CPA profession. The Board of Directors is charged with determining what issues and matters rise to significance for the business community and the profession in order to support candidates for state office that can have a positive impact on those issues.
CPAs in Utah have been fortunate to have many elected officials in the Utah State Legislature support business and the CPA profession. Members of the UCPA-PAC strive to maintain a good working relationship with our legislators. The PAC enables UACPA members to add their contribution to those of other members and maximize our influence in the political arena.
Contributions are given in a bi-partisan manner, with emphasis on legislators who have been supportive of issues critical to both business and the CPA profession. The PAC is an effective way for individual members to participate in the political process and assure that legislative issues which affect our profession have a better chance of being resolved favorably. If you would like to be involved, please contact any member of the the UCPA-PAC Board of Directors.
2023 Utah CPA PAC Committee Members
Mark Nichols - Chair
Shane Wood
Russ Baird
Paula Bradford
Todd Gordon
Eric Denning
Mike McCauley
Clark Wilkinson
Tadd Hafen
Make a Contribution
UACPA members can make a difference through the PAC. PAC participation helps the UACPA to become the "go to" resource for input on tax and tax consultancy issues. It's important to know who is favorable to our issues and who isn’t. Even though we have important members of the legislature who are CPAs, others may be equally inclined to recognize the importance of licensed CPAs.